Individualized hypnosis soundtrack

The high-quality recording is intended for home use, you can play it whenever you have time.

We prepare a personal and unique hypnosis soundtrack for you, adapted to your goals and overcoming problems. To calm down and increase focus during the day, or better quality sleep - right before bed. We especially recommend that you choose a recording in 3D stereophonic mode, which provides a three-dimensional perspective for the listener.


For maximum listening efficiency, I recommend following three simple steps:

First, choose a safe place to listen.

Choose a place where you can really relax and no one will disturb you for the next 20-25 minutes. Get comfortable on a chair or bed.

You can listen to the recording sitting or lying down, but it's important to be really comfortable while listening. You can listen to it at any time (morning, afternoon, evening, night), but only when it is safe, comfortable, convenient for you and you have enough privacy. NEVER listen to a recording when your attention is needed elsewhere; eg: while driving a car or while operating

any machines.

Listen with headphones

It is recommended to listen to the recording with headphones, as they reduce the intensity of disturbing external stimuli (sounds) and thus allow you to relax and focus on the content of the recording (suggestions, information).

Try to surrender completely to my guidance, as this creates a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility.

Focus your attention on your inner happenings. Thus, the information you hear becomes images, sounds, smells, tastes, feelings or some other form of experience in your mind.

Just relax, let go and enjoy listening!

Achieving maximum results requires discipline, motivation and a high level of commitment.

I recommend that you listen to the recording every day at the beginning (at least 1 week); continue listening every other day (2-3 weeks). After one month, you can listen to the recording as needed.

The time frame for achieving positive changes is different for everyone, so it is important to listen to the recording regularly.

The most important thing for success is to listen to the hypnosis audio regularly. This is similar to other things in life where repetition or practice is one of, if not the most important part of achieving the desired result. The more you listen to the audio clip, the more the message will become part of your automatic behavior.

How to successfully use hypnosis audio recordings of your sessions?

Daily listening is recommended. Choose a time that works for you and your lifestyle. Most people find that bedtime (which I personally recommend), when they wake up, or lunchtime are great times to listen to their audio recordings hypnosis, but it has to work in your lifestyle. Another great time is during your morning or afternoon break or right after work.

In general, it is recommended that you listen to your recording at least once a day, in a comfortable position where you will not be disturbed. However, in today's interruption-filled world, even listening at your desk during lunch can be beneficial and likely to yield significant results. But if you take public transport, you can listen to your recordings during your morning or evening commute to work – if you're not driving.


*Consult your doctor before use. Do not listen to the recording while driving or doing any activity that requires your full attention. All recordings, including this one, are copyrighted. Reproduction and unauthorized public display are not permitted without the written permission of the author. The original footage works with maximum energy and conviction.