What do you think of when you hear the word hypnosis?

To some special deep sleep in which you are not aware of anything? 

The British surgeon James Braid, who popularized the term hypnosis, is probably most responsible for this misconception. The word hypnosis comes from the Greek word `hypnos', which means sleep. 

Hypnosis is definitely not sleep. Hypnosis is a human phenomenon and is as old as man. The senses are even more focused in the hypnotic state. If someone suggested something against your will, it would just "kick" you out of hypnosis. Neuroscientific research has shown that hypnotized clients are aware of what they are saying and doing unless they accept the suggestion that they should fall asleep. 

So today we know for sure that hypnosis is very far from sleep. In fact, Braid was already aware of this, and until the end of his life he tried to replace the word hypnosis with the term monoideism (a state of long-term immersion in a single idea). It is the intense concentration on one thing (on one idea, one perception, or one representation) that is an important ability that allows us to enter a state of hypnosis. 

Hypnosis is primarily a state in which responsiveness to ideas of all kinds increases.

Milton H. Erickson

The word hypnosis and associated myths have encouraged the development of many approaches and techniques that deliberately avoid the word "hypnosis" itself. You may have heard of autogenic training, creative visualization, the healing power of imagination, progressive relaxation, hypnoanalysis, autosuggestion, the power of imagination, guided meditation, NLP, and the like. All these techniques undoubtedly originate from the phenomenon of hypnosis, but their creators prefer to use different names.

In hypnosis, it is not really about what the hypnotist "does" to the client, but about the state that the client develops within himself with the help of the therapist (and then himself through autohypnosis). 

As experienced and professionally trained therapists, we create circumstances that allow you to develop hypnosis more easily and thereby discover solutions to your problems.