Medical Hypnosis for Health and Balance.

Medical hypnosis is the oldest known form of psychotherapeutic help, which is recognized as a treatment method by medical organizations around the world and in Slovenia.

In both adults and children, the healing effects of hypnotherapy have been scientifically confirmed for a wide range of medical illnesses, mental conditions, and as an aid to various hardships or psychological problems.


skin problems
mitigation of gastrointestinal side effects during pregnancy and chemotherapy,
helping with grinding teeth and improving other oral conditions


fear of animals
fear of flying
excessive nervousness,
feeling threatened among the crowd…


smoking cessation,
nail biting,
alcohol, food,


learning disabilities,
sexual dysfunctions


weight loss,
bad eating habits,
excessive stress,


stress management,
feeling yourself and your potentials,
new ideas and their implementation,
work with goals…


feelings of guilt,
inability to contact oneself,
excessive egotism…


communication and relationship problems,
partnership relations,
family therapy,
low self-esteem
internal conflicts,

Medical hypnosis has been shown to be effective for:

  • Alleviation and elimination of acute and chronic pain
    It provides pain relief, both short-term and long-term.
  • Reduction of pain, stress and discomfort during medical and dental procedures
    Increases comfort and reduces discomfort during procedures.
  • Reducing general anxiety
    It helps in managing anxiety and improving psychological well-being.
  • Releasing muscle tension
    It increases relaxation and reduces physical tension.
  • Reducing stress levels
    It helps to manage everyday stress.
  • Elimination of insomnia
    It improves the quality of sleep and solves problems with insomnia.
  • Coping with excess body weight
    Supports efforts to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Management of psychosomatic problems, such as:
    • Tension headaches and migraines
    • Asthma
    • Gastrointestinal disorders (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome)
    • Various skin diseases

    It helps with problems where psychological and physical factors are intertwined.

Prevalence and use

Medical hypnosis it is still most often used as an anti-pain therapy. It is a very successful method for chronic headaches, migraines and in obstetrics for reducing the feeling of pain during childbirth. In oncology, it is used in the additional pain-relieving treatment of advanced cancer, as well as to improve the general well-being of the patient.

In the world, it often replaces general anesthesia for operations or for frequent and short-term painful interventions (for example, dressing and caring for a severely burned patient). Even in dentistry, many painful procedures can be performed under hypnosis, and it can also be used to eliminate the fear of visiting the dentist.

Various psychosomatic diseases also respond well to hypnotic suggestions - chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, buzzing and ringing in the ears...


Hypnosis began in Slovenia, under the auspices of prof. dr. Marjan Pajntarja, to be used in 1962 in the Kranj maternity hospital to relieve pain during childbirth. Ten years later, as many as 20 percent of all women in labor gave birth with the help of hypnosis in the maternity hospital in Kranj.

Its use then spread to the field of rehabilitation, forensics, dentistry, sports, and at the same time as hypnotherapy for various psychosomatic, psychological and somatic problems.

There is so much scientific research available today that confirms the effectiveness of hypnosis, so we can rightly conclude that medical hypnosis is effective in treating psychological and psychosomatic problems.

Currently, the use of hypnosis in the clinical and research fields continues to increase, as does research into the neuropsychological mechanisms involved in the hypnotic process.

Since the treatment of psychological and socially conditioned diseases with drugs and psychotherapy can be long-term, there has been a tendency in the world to use medical hypnosis as a psychotherapeutic tool in these cases, thus shortening the treatment.

In the world, it often replaces general anesthesia for operations or for frequent and short-term painful interventions (for example, dressing and caring for a severely burned patient).

In dentistry, many painful procedures can be performed under hypnosis, and it can also be used to eliminate the fear of visiting the dentist.

In Europe, Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium and Denmark are at the forefront today. Even in some Scandinavian countries, thousands of surgical operations have been performed under hypnotic anesthesia in recent years.

In Belgium, a study was made in which around 9,000 surgical operations were performed under hypnosis alone or in combination with chemical anesthesia.

Who is suitable for medical hypnosis treatment?

Most problems do not require a high level of hypnotizability, which means that more than 80 percent of people are perfectly suitable for medical hypnosis treatment. Only rare contraindications require a special level of caution. These include serious heart diseases, epilepsy and psychoses.

In the fast pace of life, more and more people decide to undergo treatment precisely for the purpose of stress management and self-soothing, as they thus protect themselves preventively against many diseases and disorders of today's times. No meditation, exercise or autogenic training can match the intensity and depth of the pleasant experience with the peace and energy brought by a hypnotic trance.